What is The Renovation Directory

Good Question!

Post Summary:
This post explains why and how we started the Renovation Directory as an effective means to add power to your local renovation expert or contracting business. The more chances you have of being found, the more chances you have of doing more business locally.

About The Renovation Directory

There’s so many local contracting and renovation companies across North America. Every little town to every major city.

Yet a lot of these professional renovation experts don’t have websites!

When you’re in a busy and hectic business (drywall, plumbing, roofing, whatever!) where you are both the owner, operator, and service provider, you tend to not have a lot of spare time. You’re insanely busy doing work for people, because that’s how you make money. Any down time is likely used to sleep or decompress from the toils of the day.

You’re a Busy Contractor, We Get it!

When you’re frantically working hard for people day after day, you may not seek to build a website. The time may not seem worth it to you as it could be seen as a short term loss.

When you’re in the heat of the moment, and have customers waiting – The short term gain of making money seems more appealing than spending money and time.

That’s Where the Renovation Directory Comes In

In the time it takes to write up a quick email with your contact information, you can add your company in a nice modern manner to the Renovation Directory, which can be easily found by users who are searching for you specifically, or for your contracting services in general.

Add Your Listing to the Renovation Directory Here

We know a website might not be the ideal investment for you to focus on. That’s why we’ve made it very easy and FREE to post your renovation / contracting company’s listing as an advertisement on the Renovation Directory.

However, if you would like a website, we know a great local web designer who can design your website as well as host and manage it so that you can focus on your work, not on the website:

Consider Canadian Web Creations for local web design and search optimization

Whatever Type of Contractor or Pro You Are, Join Us!

As we progress our website, we’ll be adding categories to better serve all of the different types of renovation contracting experts that exist. For the moment, you may need to request a category be added so that you can properly list your business.

Visit the Add Category Request Page in order to submit your request, and thank you very much for your determination.

Official Location Schema Markup (Big Help for Locals)

When you enter your exact address into your listing, it is automatically converted into a language known as SCHEMA. This means that search engines will understand that your address IS your address, and can help use it to help you be discovered by local folks searching for your type of contracting expertise.

It also helps to verify your official Google Maps business listing, which can be very effective in enhancing it’s visibility.

Have you claimed and verified your Google Maps Business Listing yet? If not, please visit the ‘Enhance my business‘ page and read more. We can help your renovation and contracting business in so many ways!