Renovation Reality: Actual Costs Of Four Popular Redos – Money Health Finance

Renovation Reality: Actual Costs Of Four Popular Redos

Posted by: moneyadmin in Real Estate 32 Views

So you want to redo your kitchen. Great! Now you have to do is pick out your new appliances, countertops, backsplash material and other assorted finishes, figure out what to do with your cabinets, find a contractor, and get started. Phew! Before you can do any of that, though, you have to set a budget. Yes, we said the “B word.”

Let’s face it: Budget is a bad word. Not just because it represents an amount of money you may not be entirely comfortable spending, but also because it’s often a number that’s based on what you think you can afford, not wh…
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Date Posted: 18 Mar, 2018
Written By: Manny

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