6 Harker Street, Sunbury Victoria 3429, Australia
6 Harker Street Sunbury Victoria 3429 AU

Do you want your carpets to look brand new again then Power Carpet Cleaning Sunbury is the right place in the city area? We are available for same-day services and can work around the clock if needed. No matter what type of problem there is with faded colors on an old rug. We will get rid of them once and forever with the use of advanced high-tech equipment within less time of period.


Book today’s appointment on 03 6146 1778 so that we can send cleaners over immediately.


Our different kinds of Services include:

  1. Carpet Mould and Odour Removal
  2. Carpet Disinfect Sanitization Service
  3. Carpet Flea Treatment
  4. Carpet Steam Cleaning and Hot Water Extraction
  5. Carpet Shampooing
  6. End of Lease Carpet Cleaning
  7. Carpet Pet Urine Stain Removal


Time: Mon-Sun 6:00 AM- 9:00 PM


Payment: Visa, Master Card, AMEX, Credit Card, Cash, Cheque, Paypal



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